Feb 12, 2025
Welcome to the D&D world! We’re expanding the lore with not one, but two Dungeons & Dragons arcade games made by Capcom! Tuck in for an in-depth episode about the Known World, why the Record of Lodoss War is more than an anime, and the rare example of how a consultant can actually help a company as we talk about...
Jan 29, 2025
Let’s go
BEAST MODE with Konami’s Metamorphic Force! It’s the best X-Men
meets Altered Beast arcade beat ‘em up that takes place on the
island of Dr. Moreau where everyone is made out of water balloons
that you’ll ever play. Guaranteed.
What were the working conditions for copywriters at
Jan 15, 2025
A barbarian, halfling, dwarf riding a giant,
and centauress walk into a bar. It’s not just the setup for a joke
but also a fantastic beat ‘em up that Sega has criminally done very
little with. Let’s delve into the history of Golden Axe: Revenge of
Death Adder!
Do we have a
reverse Splash situation happening in...